Monday, March 24, 2008 @1:55 PM
ok.. becos of dodo, i'm posting agn.. it's been quite some time since i last posted.. feel dam lazy to do so... kept rotting at home.. haha.. at the hub now compiling econs.. -.- and starting some childish war wif dodo.. lolx.. ok enuff of blogging, back to work! ^^
Labels: missing you from day one..
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @12:22 PM
wahaha! the progress tests were finally over ystd! woots! hmm, the tests were still ok i wld say.. for chem, h1 was slightly better than those h2 of cos.. n i skipped and 'tikam-ed' several in mcq and structured.. heng heng there weren't many organic questions phew.. ok abt physics, still ok la~ that's the one i studied the most so hopefully can pass lo..
enuff of dat, ystd aft the tests, me, yj, sy, zq and zh (dunno hw he popped out too but the more the merrier) actually decided to catch a movie at GV but cldn't decide on which to watch.. horton, rule #1, blah blah blah.. also dunno y hu suddenly suggested to go to ecp and poof! the 5 of us went to ecp and cycled.. lolx.. the weather was very good but there were simply too many cyclists and the bikes we rented sucked big time.. lousy until dunno wad to say..
for part 1, we went towards
Family Park.. it's realli new and u can see that some shops/restaurants are nt open yet but it's realli spacious and haf some realli interesting outlets there.. and man, that place is really a family park..
PS: it's infested with very cute little kids.. lolx..

a new bicycle rental kiosk! n the original Big Splash's jus behind it, i guess..

the realli realli huge and spacious platform.. alot of kids blading and "driving".. on the right is a new restaurant that seems nt bad..
part 2! we then ltr cycled towards bedok jetty as the sky got darker.. the weather as mentioned was so so sweet! a good day to cycle indeed.. i liked the shades of blue that we captured wif our phones.. the blue is so natural and simple which makes it feel so nice! haha.. maybe i can try taking arts huh? lolx..

the nice blue sky and part of the ecp stretch!

an even nicer sky together with the sea!
ok then we started to tk some pics at bedok jetty since it was kindda rare that we cld actually randomly come out together and enjoy! haha..

(L to R) yj, zq and sy with the first shot..

(L to R) sy, zq, yj doing a stamford raffles a.k.a. acting cool! hahaha..

family shot! lolx.. me, zq, yj and sy!

ok, sy's idea of everyone acting dao/cool.. anw, thx zh for being the camera-man.. haha..
aft enjoying ourselves, we ended our cycling session at ard 8pm and headed for parkway to haf dinner.. went to parkway's foodcourt.. happened to meet ms wong and auntie over there.. so qiao.. haha.. ms wong treated all of us the $1.10 a bowl grass jelly (which was realli nice).. the gals were like so stunned becos they also had a share of it.. haha.. thx ms wong! went to the arcade to play shooting machine aft dat and decided that it was time to go home cos it was 10 and yj also had to return to bishan! always liddat one.. but nevertheless it was a nice day out! ^^
Labels: what a nice day i had..
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
Thursday, March 13, 2008 @3:54 PM
haix.. the rain hasn't stopped for long since a week or so ago.. when it rains, it gets so dark and subconsciously, emo-ness appears.. and once i'm struck wif that, i can't do anything, be it mugging or slacking, i will be stoning most of the time.. that's y i felt like blogging.. maybe it might help, i dunno.. had actually planned to mug earlier today but till now i haf nt done anything.. or rather absolutely nth! the best part is tmr is when the march progress tests are.. -.- i'm screwed, so so screwed..
when stoning, i might jus chance upon the moment to reflect wad i had done in the past or maybe recall wad were the nice moments i had b4 this very day.. time flies so fast that i can hardly rmb anything sweet.. maybe jus one or two? life is so so so empty, i dunno y too.. i noe i haf stuffs to do but i jus can't bring myself to do it.. i haf realli no source of motivation.. i need lots of help i guess.. these days had also been quite low too.. seeing what others haf, what others can do, how others cherish their happy times and yet u can't own it and u can't do it even though u r capable of doing so might be the worst nightmare anyone can haf.. can such a process be prevented or reversed once struck? it jus feels so screwed up..
‘它’还会在吗?Labels: so screwed and lacking motivation for me to move on..
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @7:51 PM
ok officially back from camp ystd.. too tired to update these days until today since i felt like it as there were lots of things happening.. hmm, i guess i will start on the most impt stuff that happened b4 8th march..
tues . 4th march . 'b' boys finals '08as usual, cchms was in the finals again.. it had been 5 consecutive yrs cchms had been into the east zone finals for the 'b' boys.. n cchms had won the previous 4.. this time the opponent was none other than cchms' long time rival, ahs.. felt like cchms cld haf won that day with colin's efforts but eventually still fell short to ahs 73-72.. dat's sad but cant be helped.. it's wld haf been our 5th one, so close and yet so far.. didn't haf the time to wish the 'b' boys team all the best due to training at 5pm and the match ended at 4.40pm.. however, i realli enjoyed to meet up wif my ex-teammates.. definitely a great reunion.. they include:
- marv
- keong
- kiat
- zhan hong
- xie wei
- chee siang . big sam . hao [still my teammates now..]
- colin . ruey [part of the '08 'b' boys team..]
- han chong [pity he cldn't make it that day..]
the moments we had gone thru and shared definitely relived everytime we meet up with one another, especially aft a long long time..
i guess there might be still some other events but i jus cldn't rmb them for now since it was several days ago so y nt talk abt the march bball camp '08..
- TJC's march bball camp '08 -
day 1 . sunday . 9th march
camp starts on a sunday and one thing for sure, the sch feels so dead on a sunday.. had 2 training sessions in this day.. the morning one was crap.. doing some stupid actions, over and over again and it rained, so ended earlier.. the weather kept toying us too.. rain stopped while we were studying and started to rain agn when we were abt to start the aftn training.. it did stop for a while and it rained agn-.- forgot wad we did for that training but for sure, it was a forgettable one.. had dinner at opp and nth much happened aft that.. that's end of day 1..
day 2 . monday . 10th march
han wee was nt ard so LS and ms ang took charge.. woke up at 5.30 am and had breakfast opp.. realised that we were supposed to collect a bike for today's activity.. got lectured by LS for being late and nt showing our sense of urgency.. fine.. collected our bikes and our journey was bound for changi village.. that's at least 15 km from east coast park.. took ard an hour or so to reach there jus to realise that we were going to train at this run down court at changi village.. crap.. LS said that this court had some historical value and so we were going to train here.. more crap.. backboard breaking, rims spoilt, no nets and bad floors - what a good place for training.. n to my surprise, we were supposed to carry out the moves we were told to do ystd morning.. -.- useless shit.. and ta-da! it rained.. so took cover at the hawker centre until the rain stopped and cycled all the way back.. another 15km agn.. so it was a total of 30km for the morning and a total waste of training time.. supposed to study in the aftn but was kindda tired for it, so cant help it.. wasted some time agn.. had another training in the aftn.. played match till ard 7 pm.. headed to opp for dinner and we came back for the most fun part of the camp.. 3 games were played but i onli played for 2.. the first one was 'i had nvr'.. very simple and fun.. shaun lost the most for this one.. the 2nd one was 'sardine', an improvised hide and seek game.. played 4 rounds.. hao qing lost 2 but he also got the best hiding location.. and lastly, 'citadels'.. a card game.. seemed quite fun but i went to slp aft obeserving those who were playing.. end of day 2..
day 3 . tuesday . 11th march
the last day! yes, i was highly anticipating this! the camp was crap.. had the last training in the morning and we did a drill that was kindda physically intensive.. however, there were 2 of such activities.. LS said something abt our team but if i were to rephrase it, i guess he wld simply meant our team was not gd enuff or at all.. fine.. i dunno if sometimes the coach has to be blamed if such things happened.. training ended and quickly showered, packed and went home! end of camp.. dat's it.. had enuff..
and ystd, part of the cg went to suntec's swensens to celebrate zhen qin's bdae earlier.. so met up wif the group at ard 6pm and we had a good meal.. dat was roughly abt it and felt so shag aft things haf ended.. and today it's ZHEN QIN'S 17th BIRTHDAY! happy birthday to zhen qin! even though her bdae might be earlier than most of us, but she's still the youngest! haha..
however, good things always come to an end, very fast.. the progress tests are coming up and i am so screwed becos i had practically studied nth much.. ah, crap! die le la.. guess i wld haf to mug hardcore today and dat can't be helped.. mugging calls and yep, i haf to go for now.. sian -.- [tests sux..]
Labels: happy bdae zhen qin.., i will still be dead if tests were one week later -.-
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
Saturday, March 8, 2008 @4:13 PM
hmm.. haven been posting for quite some days alr.. always been too tired n lazy to do since it was the last week of term 1! yes, and dat means the hols are here! and oh yea, "hols".. -.- and lots of things happened as usual this week but i'm too bz to post abt that.. i guess i will when my bball camp is over, which starts tmr and ends on tues..
oh ya.. got to suntec ystd too.. was dam crowded becos of the IT fair.. however, that was nt wad i wanted cos i went there wif my mum and sis to get myself and my mum a pair of shoes each and another ankle wrap for me.. i got a new balance one while my mum got a reebok one.. and yep, i was the no. 1 spender among the 3 of us ystd.. keke.. totalling $145! lolx.. thx mum!
Labels: preparation for bball camp..
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
Monday, March 3, 2008 @12:13 AM
dam tired.. the whole of today was wasted, in terms of mugging level.. was stoning at home all the day till i went to help out at 7-11 and jus came back now.. stood and worked 7 hrs non-stop.. but not much ppl today, so that 7 hrs seemed longer.. went out earlier today to play the shooting machine at white sands' arcade.. nt bad.. got improvement.. lolx.. ok, then i reached 7-11 lo.. quite sian but can't help.. see ppl come in and out, buy this but that and pay here pay there like all so standard one.. haha.. however, today's working experience seemed to be quite fun.. apparently, this fun all came from my dad's regulars, maybe a.k.a. as my dad's frens.. and today's main topic was the most wanted man in singapore now!
yes, it's the JI man, Mas Selamat Kastari.. and here are wad i heard today on why this man still cant be found..
"suggestion" A - singapore police dogs lack the ability of tracking down this uncle, A, came in to 7-11 and started talking to my dad abt it.. then here was how it went..
uncle A : wah lao eh, the police ah, no tracking dogs one sia.. have dogs also onli for sniffing heroine nia.. how to catch? no wonder that fella (obviously, it refers to the fugitive) can't be found one la..
me and my dad : (smile) hmm.. ya.. maybe..
uncle A : haiyo.. singapore onli got heroine onli meh? dunno y they nvr think also got terrorists one sia.. somemore still let someone liddat escape.. haiyo..
ok.. that was abt it and he left shortly aft..
now, another uncle, B, came in, and i guessed he had more interesting views about this issue.. here was his story..
"suggestion" B -the police let him escape purposely?uncle B : haiyo, the police also dunno doing wad sia.. aft 4 hrs realising that fella was gone then announce? 4 hrs dunno can climb how many hills liao lo, be it that the fella limps..
my dad : hmm, ya lo..
uncle B : liddat hor, think here think there also like the police purposely let him off de leh.. 4 hrs leh! u see america.. one person gone, immediately launch mission liao ah.. somemore singapore so small.. use whole army force find cfm find one leh, still set up wad unit and let that fella hide sia..
i guess from wad i heard today, some ppl are alr losing confidence of the police force alr.. i'm included too i mus admit.. singapore is known to be one of the best in its security system and yet something like this happened, it's hard nt to doubt wad the police were actually doing back then.. but nevertheless, i still hope that they will be able to find out the real reason y did this happen asap so that, citizens like us, can try to start to drop this topic.. at least, it can bring back trust and some confidence back in our police force and security system..
hmm.. guess dat shall be it.. i feel even tired now.. hope the bad guy will get caught soon so sg will finally have some peace too..
Labels: i'm so tired of what's going on in my life..
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach
Sunday, March 2, 2008 @11:49 AM
well.. no motivation to do any studying for now and since i'm so free, i've decided to blog.. this year is a leap year and 29th of feb was just 2 days back.. no special moments so maybe that day wasn't that significant at all.. tests and more tests are coming up but i think i'm quite screwed for now.. econs test coming up this tues and i'm almost halfway thru onli! haix.. dunno y also.. had been stoning and watching naruto for the past few hours.. guess i shall go mug for a while before i head to 7-11 to help my dad in the evening..
Labels: jus can't be helped..
♥ there's not a place
in heaven that we cant reach